Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Skimming Off the Top

My reading regimen mirrors my exercise regimen lately. I'm not putting much effort in either one and I discourage easily when I lack motivation or am unable to enjoy the experience.

I have skimmed through three books in the past week:

Mozart's Brain and the Fighter Pilot: Unleashing Your Brain's Potential by Richard Restak has been accurately described as a "personal trainer for the brain."It is a very good book for those looking to unleash their creativity or to move away from stale thinking. I found the book very practical and I intend to incorporate some of the suggested mental exercises into my daily routine. It's a short book and easy to read.

The Age of Turbulence by Alan Greenspan is not a short book (505 pages) and parts of it are not easy to read. I skimmed through the book to read about his impressions of the various Presidents that he served. (He found Bill Clinton to be the smartest of them all.) Greenspan discusses a number of economic topics that I have no interest in reading at all.

Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself byAlan Alda was dull. I read the first five chapters and could not get into the book at all. I was hoping to find Hawkeye Pierce and instead felt I was reading Franklin Pierce.

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